Welcome! We're Glad You're Here!
If you are a woman and think you may have a problem with lust, you are welcome to Sexaholics Anonymous. SA is for both men and women.
An informational video on Women in SA can be viewed on the SA.org website by clicking here.
Our pamphlet “SA is for Women” can be viewed here.
Most of our meetings in Southern California are mixed meetings and welcome both men and women. If you would like to speak with another female member before attending a meeting, please call or send us a message as shown in the Contact Us page. You may also want to talk to our SA International Central Office (SAICO) in Nashville TN to obtain information about worldwide female members groups. SAICO’s phone and email info is provided on our Contact Us page.
If you are new to SA, please look at the information on the “For the Newcomer” page of this website, especially about attending a Newcomer Information Meeting.
To ensure the safety and welfare of members in meetings, we adhere to the following guidelines from our White Book (our main text book): If you feel anyone has made any improper moves towards you or has made any lustful comments to you or about you, we suggest you inform the group’s secretary and your sponsor. It is important for the meeting to be a safe place for all members and we will discuss any such incident in a business meeting because “our common welfare comes first.”
Dress appropriately; speak along guidelines that do not trigger or upset another fellow member: words, images, details of acting out behaviors, etc. Also the way one sits can trigger both men and women.
In addition to attending meetings, you will probably also want to find a way to connect with other women in SA recovery. Women in SA make phone calls to each other for support outside of meetings, ask other women to be their sponsors, and make plans to attend meetings together. Because there are more men in SA recovery than women, we know it can be a challenge to reach out if there aren’t any other women at your first meeting. Please know that there are many sober women in SA.